Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Map

Kingdom Come: Deliverance cheat console commands were available in the beta, but it is currently unclear as to if they still work in the full release. Whcheatmoney XX – replace XX with the. Kingdom Come Deliverance PC players have access to a set of console commands that can be used in-game. These shortcut commands negate the need to enter options menus, as well as altering the game. Console Commands and Cheats: Kingdom Come Deliverance The PC version of the Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD) allows you to customize certain features. When you're playing KCD, you can use KCD console commands to manipulate some parameters of the game and control the graphics.

You can’t have an open-world, PC-centric hardcore RPG without console commands. Kingdom Come: Deliverance has its own console you can use and abuse to change a variety of settings and features — but the game is light on actual cheats. Still, these console commands are a pretty great way to gain even more control over your experience. You’ll be able to disable the HUD and take awesome screenshots, add a crosshair to make those archery challenges much easier, or even add items to your inventory.

While the game is out now, Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an evolving platform, and fans are eagerly uncovering all the secrets they can — including more console commands. We’ll be updating the full list of console commands below as more are discovered, unveiled, and tested. You’ll also find a list of untested, or currently unavailable commands that should work, and may work in the future, but don’t currently for whatever reason. Here’s hoping for the future.

More Kingdom Come: Deliverance guides on Gameranx:

How To Use Console Commands

[Work-in-Progress: Check back soon for new console commands as they’re discovered and tested. Drop us a note if you’ve found a console command, or one of the console commands below isn’t working.]

The console is a powerful tool you can use to change settings and features on-the-fly while playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Using it is incredibly easy, and doesn’t require any setup.

  • To bring down the console window, press the [`] tilde key in-game.

Type your command into the console, then press enter. Commands usually have a # numerical value — replace # with a number to change the setting. For settings that can be toggled on or off, use 0 for off, and 1 for on.

Also, it’s worth noting that console commands DO NOT disable Steam Achievements.

Console Commands List

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Map

[NOTE: Some of these console commands are untested, and may cause unexpected issues when used. Be prepared to load a previous save file if something goes wrong.]

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Map
  • g_showHUD 0

Disables HUD. Replace [0] with [1] to enable HUD.

  • wh_pl_showfirecursor 1

Adds a crosshair when firing a bow. Replace [0] with [1] to disable crosshairs.

  • cl_fov ##

Sets the FoV (Field of View). [Default: 60]

  • r_MotionBlur 0

Disables motion blur. Replace [0] with [1] to enable motion blur.

  • r_depthofFieldmode 0

Disables depth of field during dialogue. Replace [0] with [1] to enable depth of field.

  • r_vsync 0

Disables vysnc. Replace [0] with [1] to enable vsync.

  • wh_ui_showCompass 0

Disables the HUD compass. Replace [0] with [1] to enable the compass.

  • e_ViewDistRatio ###

Changes objects render distance. [Default: 500]

  • e_ViewDistRatioVegetation X

Changes vegetation render distance. [Default: 500]

  • e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X

Changes grass animation distance. [Default: 20]

Untested, Unconfirmed, & Not-Working Console Commands

The following console commands are available to search and use in-game, but for whatever reason they don’t seem to be working currently. There might be a way to re-enable them, or they might even work with a future patch. It’s worth keeping these codes in mind.

  • wh_cheat_money #

Would add gold to your inventory. Currently not working.

  • wh_cheat_addItem # ItemID

Gives a # amount of items after entering the ItemID. Should work, but no ItemID table currently exists.

  • g_godmode 1

Would make you invulnerable. Currently not working.

  • e_TimeOfDay

Would show the time of day. Currently not working.

  • p_gravity_z #

Should change the intensity of gravity in-game. Currently doesn’t seem to do anything. [Default: 13]

Feb 20, 2018

A guide to the defensive mechanics of Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
Other KC:D Guides:
  • Ancient / Treasure Map Guide.
  • Console Commands (Cheat Codes).
  • Lockpicking.
  • How to Exploit Money (Groschens).

Defensive Mechanics Guide

The first thing that I would like to clarify is that defense, unlike offense, does NOT take weapon-direction of your star-reticle into account. It doesn't matter what your weapon-polarity (the red highlighted direction indicated by your star-reticle) is toggled. Essentially, there is only one defensive orientation, and it covers attacks from one singular opponent (in front of you), no matter what direction they swing.
For the purposes of this discussion, the opponent's swing will be broken down into three phases:
  • Phase 1: The opponent will draw back his weapon (watch for shoulder movement) and then begin to swing the weapon at the target (player). This phase happens before the 'green-shield' icon appears.

  • Phase 2: The opponent's weapon will have already begun to swing at the target (player), and follow through until just before the moment of contact with the target (player). This phase is easily indicated by the 'green-shield' icon that shows up the center of your star-reticle for the duration of this phase.

  • Phase 3: The opponent's weapon finally makes contact with the player, and it lasts all the way throughout the rest of the animation, followed by the back-swing.

Note: Please do not ask me how many active frames are in each phase, because I simply do not know, and I have no desire to spend my time finding out.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Cheat Mod

If you hold the block button down during any of these 'Phases,' you will simply block the opponent's swing. Please note that blocking a hit drains a good amount of stamina. Oddly enough, once you start oufitting yourself with the higher defensive plate armor, you'll take less stamina drain from just taking the hit rather than trying to block it (go figure) ːsteamfacepalmː
Perfect Block
If you wait until 'Phase 2' of the opponent's attack (indicated by the 'green shield' icon) to press the block button, the game will enter a bullet-time-like slowdown and you will essentially parry the opponent's weapon off to the side. When this happens, priority is given to you to follow up with an attack (Riposte) which the opponent can only avoid by either doing their own perfect-block or master-strike.
Master Strike
This is what everyone's been waiting for. If you press block during 'Phase 1' or in the early frames of 'Phase 2' of the opponent's attack, you will not only parry the attack, but you will automatically (without pressing any additional buttons or inputs) follow-up with an extremely quick and unavoidable riposte that will be indicated by several different animations.Kingdom come deliverance console commands ps4

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Map Markers

The player will either strike the opponent repeatedly in the head with the pommel of the sword, back the opponent up with several pokes to the chest, kick the opponent in the stomach, interrupt the opponent's swing with a downward slice at the head, glide into a slice at the right/left torso, or follow-up with diagonally upward slices at the opponent's thigh/lower-abdomen area. The animation is loosely based on the direction of the opponent's swing.

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands Mod

Despite what you've been hearing, master-strikes are NOT RANDOM. As a general rule, you have to press the block button BEFORE the 'green-shield' icon shows up. My advice is to watch the opponent's shoulders for movement; that's the give-away. Though, that may just be an indication of the opponent changing stances. If you practice, you'll be able to spot the difference and even if you're slightly late, it'll still register the master-strike if you press block during the early frames of the 'green-shield.'
Last, but not least, I want to quickly touch on one last subject, which is combos. Anyone who's played this game for over an hour will realize that opponents just don't let you combo them. There's two ways to land a combo. The first is after a perfect-block; I've had about a 20% success rate with this. The second method, is to walk/run up into an opponent to initiate a clinch, press the special attack button (by default, it's 'F' on the PC), and when you overpower/push the opponent off, the AI will NOT block your next attack for whatever reason. This is the best time to execute your combo, I've had about an 80% success rate with this method. For best results, try pushing the opponent against a wall, so that they can't back out of your attacks.
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  • All Kingdom Come Deliverance Guides!

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