Ahnlab Report


  • ASEC (AhnLab Security Emergency Response Center) is a global security response group consisting of virus analysts and security experts. This monthly report is published by ASEC, and it focuses on the most significant security threats and the latest security technologies to.
  • AhnLab Security Emergency Response Center. HOT SECURITY ISSUE. Security Trends of Q3 2020. This analysis report will introduce the key characteristics and attack flow of KiraV2, a variant of Mirai malware, in comparison to Mirai. Reports after 2017 (Quarterly).

A system that has a weak Windows login password or has not installed the security patches will be needlessly exposed to malicious codes or hacking attacks. Not only that, but even if the malicious codes are deleted using a vaccine loaded with the latest engine, the malicious codes can attack system vulnerabilities again to re-infect and damage the system. Therefore, in order not to be infected with malicious codes spreading through vulnerabilities in the system, please make sure that the latest security patches are applied, and that the password for the Windows login account cannot easily be discovered.

(South Korea) Ahnlab, Inc. Is enagaged in developing security solutions or anti-virus from internet borne threats for network server systems, personal computers and electronic based business data systems.


1. Password Settings for the Windows Login Account (Windows 7)

  • 1. Select Windows [Start] > [Control Panel] > [User Account]
  • 2. Select the account used.
  • 3. Select [Change My Password] and replace the existing password by a new one which cannot be guessed easily. Please note that the new password should be a combination of letters, numbers and special characters so that your system cannot be easily infected with malicious codes, which can spread if the password is vulnerable.
Ahnlab-v3 report false positive

Ahnlab Annual Report

2. Apply Security Patches using Windows Update


Ahnlab-v3 Report False Positive

Ahnlab Report
  • 1. Select Windows [Start] > [All Programs] > [Windows Update]. Please note: When the Windows Update Page is connected and the “Security Alert” window pops up, select “Yes”. The “Security Alert” window will not pop up for users who have already applied Windows Update.
  • 2. Click “Install updates” to update your system.
  • 3. In some cases, a system restart may be required. If a message is displayed to tell you that the system needs to be restarted, please reboot, because the patches for security vulnerabilities will be implemented only after system rebooting.